리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기

TC-3000C – 10 20 40

  • ModelTC-3000C
  • MakerTescom
  • DescriptionBluetooth Tester
  • Option10 20 40
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The TC-3000C is a user-friendly Bluetooth tester capable of analyzing and measuring transmitted data found in the upper application protocol layer using the protocol stack with technology developed by Tescom. Users can also examine signal waveforms with built-in features such as spectrum, modulation, and period power analysis allowing for convenient and easy to read RF test results.

Benefits and key features
 Supports Bluetooth v1.0 ~ v5.0
 Measures the suitability of Bluetooth
specifications, overall auto measurement
function according to test case
 Protocol analyzer function
AVRCP Profile packet analysis
 Execute function of HCI command
 Audio performance (SCO Link)
Measurement function (Option 3000-10)
 Audio test function using Headset,
handsfree, A2DP profile(stereo headset)
 Audio quality verification (Distortion,
SINAD), Audio spectrum, SCO loopback
 Measurement function (Option 3000-20)
 Spectrum Analyzer, Analyze Modulation
waveform, power vs. time, power vs. channel,
 BR(Basic Rate) Test Function (Classic BT
Basic 3000-00)
 Supports 12 RF test cases
 EDR Test Function (Option 3000-40)
 I-Q Constellation, DEVM (Differential Error
Vector Magnitude), TX Bit Error Rate
 Supports 7 EDR RF test cases
 LE Test Function v4.2 (Option 3000-50)
 Supports 7 LE RF test cases
 Spectrum Analyzer, Analyze Modulation
wave form, power vs. time, PER
 LE Test Function v5.0 (Option 3000-60)
 Supports 31 LE v5.0 test cases
 11 Transmitter / 20 Receiver RF Test Cases
 Supports LE 2 Mbps PHY
 Supports Long Range (S=2, S=8 Coding)
 Supports Measurement Function for LE
 LE Simple Signaling Test Function
 Supports OTA(Over-The-Air) test
 Output Power, PER test
 HCI interface for DUT connection: USB, RS232C (UART, BCSP, 2WIRE)
 Remote control: RS-232C
 Simple upgrade using the USB

10 SCO Loopback Test, Audio Test, Audio Spectrum

20 on Spectrum, FM Modulation, Power Channel, Power Time,

40 7 EDR RF Test Cases, EDR Option (BT v2.1)
EDR Measurement: (Constellation, DEVM, TX-PER)(b)





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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