리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelU2042XA
  • MakerKeysight
  • Description10 MHz To 6 GHz USB Peak And Average Power Sensor
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

Accurately measure any modulated signal with the Keysight Technologies U2040 X-Series power sensors. With LAN connectivity, a first in the industry, and USB connectivity, the U2040 X-Series comes with the world’s widest dynamic range in a power sensor, covering a range of -70 to +26 dBm. And because the U2049XA LAN power sensor is thermal vacuum qualified, you can get the same accuracy and performance even in thermal vacuum chambers.

Frequency range / Power Range: 10 MHz to 6 GHz / -70 to +26 dBm 

Supported measurements: Peak, average, peak-to-average power, timegated and free run mode, pulse 

Connector type: N-type (male) 





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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