리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelUW620H
  • MakerShimadzu
  • DescriptionElectronic Balance
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The new line of Shimadzu top-loading balances are engineered with the innovative UniBloc mechanism which brings unrivaled quick response, excellent stability and durability at the same time. Powerful features support any imaginable weighing application. UW Series comes with motor-diven built-in calibration weight and fully-automatic calibration functions.

UniBloc technology and benefits

The traditional core assembly of the electro-magnetic balance is replaced by a single part, the aluminum Shimadzu UniBloc. Digitally controlled wire-cut electric discharge processing makes it possible. This technology, which Shimadzu introduced in our EB-K precision platform balances as early as 1989, brings excellent benefits to the operator. Quick response, stability against temperature change, and outstanding durability.
(Patented in USA in 1989, No.4799561, in China in 1991, No.12729, in Japan in 1995, No.1905686)


Built-in Clock GLP/GMP/ISO Conformance
Display during stand-by
Best for establishing administrative system to meet requirements of GLP/GMP/ISO9000. Calibration records can be provided with date and time.

Analog display modes Full range
Bar graph clearly indicates the total weight (including the tare) as a portion of the balance capacity.

Select a target weight and tolerance. The display clearly indicates when they are reached.

Set an upper and lower limit. The display continually indicates whether the sample is within the range “GO”, over range “HI” or under range “LO”. Choose one of the two bar graph display modes.

LCD with backlight
LCD with backlight can be read with ease and comfort in any location without brightness adjustment.

Windows(R) Direct function
The balance communicates directly to a PC with WindowsTM applications. No additional software is needed to interface with spreadsheet, database, word processing, and laboratory software.
Windows(R) Direct function works Windows(R) 95, 98, 2000, NT4.0, Me and XP. PC must be IBM PC/AT compatible.
Picture shows combination with checkweighing and autoprint functions.

Unit conversion
Weight value is presented in 22 units and modes, including percentage, carat, specific gravity, lb, oz, and so on. Users can choose any combination of units depending on their needs.
Piece counting function
Piece counting function is installed as standard.


Product Specifications

Parameter Value Parameter Value
Resolution 0.0010 g (0.000035 oz) weighing 620 g (21.87 oz)
Interface Serial According to Digital Display
The width/diameter 108 mm (4.25 inch) Product category Laboratory Balances
type Laboratory / Analytical Balance





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    - 수집항목: 이름, 연락처, 이메일, 주소
    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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