리퍼비시 계측기

리퍼비시 계측기


  • ModelWFM7120
  • MakerTektronix
  • DescriptionMulti-Standard Multi-Format Waveform Monitor
  • OptionAD, CPS, DAT, DL, HD, PHY, SIM
  • Rental문의요망
  • Stock문의요망

The WFM7120 Multi-Standard Multi-Format Waveform Monitor from Tektronix is a solution designed to provide monitoring and measurement in multi-format environments. Models in this series essentially include the same base features but differ in the optional functionality that can be added to each unit.

This model supports SD video. Optional upgrades available for this model allow you to expand its functionality and include support for HD serial, 3Gbs, dual-link, and composite analog video, as well as analog & digital audio, and physical layer & measurement. Advanced measurement displays and control parameters allow you to customize the unit to match the need of your environment.

Multi-Format Measurement and Monitoring
Use this unit to monitor and measure SD video signals.
The functionality of this unit can be expanded by adding a number of separately available add-on options.
Advanced Display & Control Parameters
Multiple display and control parameters allow you to customize the unit to meet your exact needs.

Tektronix WFM7120 Specs

SD video
100 to 240VAC, +/-10%, 50/60Hz
5.25 x 8.5 x 18.16″ (133.4 x 215.9 x 460.4mm)
12 lbs (5.5kg)
Packaging Info
Package Weight
13.45 lb
Box Dimensions (LxWxH)
26 x 14.9 x 14.2″

AD – Adds the capabilities of Option DS plus adds support for monitoring analog audio

CPS – Adds support for monitoring analog video in composite formats

DAT -Adds support for the data analysis, which allows for logic-level viewing of the video and audio digital data stream and ANC data extraction

DL – Adds support for monitoring dual link (requires option HD)

HD – Adds support for monitoring high definition, digital video

PHY – Adds the capabilities of Option EYE plus advanced physical layer measurements; includes automated eye measurements

SIM – Adds support for monitoring two simultaneous inputs





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
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