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  • ModelWS-X6724-SFP-3B
  • MakerCisco
  • DescriptionWS-X6724-SFP-3B : w/WS-F6700-DFC3B 24 x SFP
  • Rental문의요망
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Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Distributed Forwarding
Cards for Cisco CEF720 Based Line Cards
Cisco Systems®
announces distributed forwarding cards with enhanced features for
CEF720-based line cards.
The Cisco®
6500 Series Distributed Forwarding Card 3 (DFC3), including WS-F6700-DFC3A (DFC3A),
WS-F6700-DFC3B (DFC3B), WS-F6700-DFC3BXL (DFC3BXL), is an optional daughter card for CEF720-based
line cards such as WS-X6704-10GE, WS-X6724-SFP, WS-X6748-SFP, and WS-X6748-GE-TX. The DFC3
provides localized forwarding decisions for each line card and scales the aggregate system performance to reach
up to 400 mpps. The new DFC3B and DFC3BXL offer enhancements to support Multiprotocol Label Switching
(MPLS) and Access Control Entries (ACE) counters on the Cisco 6700 Series line cards. The DFC3BXL also has
improved scalability to support one million IPv4 routes and 256-KB NetFlow entries.
Table 1 shows the supported combinations of DFC3.
Table 1. DFC3 Supported Combinations
WS-F6700-DFC3A WS-F6700-DFC3B WS-F6700-DFC3BXL
WS-SUP720 PFC3A functionality PFC3A functionality PFC3A functionality
WS-SUP720-3B PFC3A functionality PFC3B functionality PFC3B functionality
WS-SUP720-3BXL PFC3A functionality PFC3B functionality PFC3BXL functionality
Announcement Summary
Introduction of WS-F6700-DFC3B and WS-F6700-DFC3BXL.
New Hardware
● WS-F6700-DFC3B
● WS-F6700-DFC3BXL
DFC3B and DFC3BXL Specifications
● Support all features that WS-F6700-DFC3A currently supports
● Support of MPLS and ACE counters
● DFC3BXL supports one million routes
● Deployed in CEF720 line cards such as WS-X6704-10GE, WS-X6724-SFP, WS-X6748-SFP, and
● Not supported on Cisco 6500 or 6800 series line cards

DFC3 Highlights
Table 2 shows features of the DFC3A, DFC3B, and DFC3BXL.
Table 2. Features of the DFC3A, DFC3B, and DFC3BXL
Default memory 256 MB on interface module 256 MB on interface module 1 GB on interface module
MPLS support No Yes Yes
ACL labels 512 KB 4096 KB*
4096 KB*
ACE counters No Yes Yes
IPv4 routes 256 KB entries 256 KB entries 1 million entries
NetFlow entries 128 KB 128 KB 256 KB*
Check software release notes
Product Numbers
Table 3 shows part numbers and descriptions for the DFC3B and DFC3BXL.
Table 3. DFC3B and DFC3BXL Part Numbers and Descriptions
Cisco Product Part Number Description
WS-F6700-DFC3B Distributed forwarding card for 6700 Series line cards with 256 MB DRAM as default
WS-F6700-DFC3BXL Distributed forwarding card for 6700 Series line cards with 1 GB DRAM as default
FCS Schedule and Lead Time
● Available for order: August 18, 2004
● FCS: August 23, 2004
● Lead Time: 4 weeks
Minimum Software Requirements
Table 4 shows the Cisco IOS®
Software minimum requirements for the DFC3B and DFC3BXL.
Table 4. Cisco IOS Software Minimum Requirements
Cisco Product Part Number Cisco IOS Software Release
WS-F6700-DFC3B 12.2(18)SXD and later
WS-F6700-DFC3BXL 12.2(18)SXD and later





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    - 수집/이용목적: 견적요청에 대한 접수 및 결과 회신
    - 이용기간: 원칙적으로 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당 정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
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